Our Practice


Our practice recognizes the struggle and unique experience of people with identities that are marginalized. Even in diverse metropolitan areas like New York City, it is not uncommon for people to experience stress or trauma related to one or more of their sociocultural identities (e.g., race, gender, sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, etc.) due to systems of oppression. Although some of these identities are social constructs that have been imposed upon us, for many, they represent salient aspects of who we are and how we understand the world. 

Our practice believes that therapy can be an outlet to heal from the wounds caused by stressful or traumatic experiences related to our sociocultural identities. For that reason, our practice was born out of recognizing the need for more healing and wellness spaces for folks from disenfranchised communities. Therapy with providers who understand institutional, systemic, and individual oppression and demonstrate compassion, care, and interest in learning about your uniqueness is the foundation of our approach. Therapy can be a great place to support you in actualizing your most fulfilling and authentic life. 

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